Hello again.
I have found me another Internet cafe so I figured it was time for an update. I am now writing from Bratislava in Slovakia. If you are anything like me I guess you are thinking ‘Where on earth is that?’ Well, it’s just accross from Austria in fact, Bratislava is only about an hour from Vienna. The place has the most Soviet style concrete tower blocks I have ever seen in my life and I am staying in a dodgy student halls, just out of town. However, the sity center has a huge castle and loads of historical buildings and museums etc (lots of swords). The place is also super cheap and its only costing me 4 pounds a night and less than a pound a pint. Tonight I am going to work my magic on a disco boat on the Danube!. Also since my last message in Budapest I have have 3 visits to the hot spa baths, a walk around ‘Heros square’ and we managed to find our way to an open air Lou Reed concert on Tuesday with a small grouop from our hostel – pretty cool. Tomorrow moring I am heading to Krakow in Poland, so i’ll write again soon. IB
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