Hello Hello…
No, I haven’t stepped into a large European puddle, fallen off Mt Triglav or OD’d on absinthe – I’ve just been very quiet.
I think the last time I updated this was before Christmas and so I should start by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! …Late I know.
Anyway, after leaving Ribno and the rest of the family in after Christmas I took another super long (11 hours(ish)) train up to Prague and then a final overnight train up to Dussledorf for New Year. I avoided Prague for a long time but, I have to admit that it really does live up to it’s reputation. The city is stunning and if you’ve ever got 12 hours to kill you can all the photo’s I took here …I went a bit ‘Japanese’ with the camera.
In Germany I saw the tallest woman I’ve ever seen (she actually touched the ceiling of the train) and a short man with a moustache in leather trousers. It’s amazing how much Si and Karen have changed.
Leaving Germany on the 2nd, I cut short my January travels and in much the same way I started, I jumped in the back of the car and blagged a free lift home. I’ve been hiding quietly in OX ever since.
It’s time to find some gainful employment…
PS, I leave you with a photo of Prague and, best of all – my first meal of 2006