Between 2003 and 2009 I went on a mission to visit every country in Europe. From Tampere in Finland to Athens in Greece, my mission took me through 49 different countries and two unrecognised territories.
It was an inspirational journey through some of the best and the worst places in Europe and left me with a deep and unshakable love for our continent. However, I’ve never met anyone else who’s done the same.
So, when I heard that Finnish ‘Couch Surfer‘ Tomi Tenetz was in Kyiv on a mission to photograph ALL the European capital cities, I was intrigued.
Here’s how he describes his mission:
Europe is in many ways very interesting continent as in a relatively small area there are so many distinctive countries with different languages and fascinating capital cities. It would be an enormous task to visit them all but who knows, one day I might be able to say I did it!
He’s right on both counts. It is facinating, but its also an enormous task, so I wish him the best of luck.
Mr T is also recording his adventures and sharing them with the world on Facebook. He kindly agreed to let me share his pictures with you here.
Further examples of his photographic excellence are available here:
Sorry i could not make out which European country is this but pics seem quite interesting.
Sorry i could not make out which European country is this but pics seem quite interesting.