Here it is, Part 2 of my brief and uneducated exploration of animation from the USSR.
Slow Bistro. The name is (I assume intentionally) ironic because the word ‘Bistro’ comes from the Russian word ‘bistra’ which means ‘quick’ …the video is amusingly abstract and it reminds me of so many Bearder family dinners. This one could quite easily be about Bicester School.
Masyanya. What can I say? – I know many-many Masyanyas
‘Vs’ …short, simple, stupid and has cool sound effects. You can watch loads more on youtube
“Prostokvashino or Buttermilk Village is a fictional rural village in Moscow Oblast of Russia (Russian: Простоквашино, from простоквашa, prostokvasha, buttermilk). Due to immense popularity of the cartoon the geographic name came into real life, and some Russian villages and city neighborhoods got this unofficial name, sometimes reflected in the names of bus stops, stores etc.”
The cartoon also captures the Russian/Ukrainian/Slavic personalities perfectly. Proof (if ever you need it) that woman rule this part of the world and will always get what they want …after a tantrum 😉
I see the cat grinning at me every morning from the label on my milk bottle.
Cartoon propaganda at its best
A powerfully simple look at war
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