Spare Ribno

OK, so it’s sorted. Christmas 2005 will be celebrated in the little known town of Ribno in Slovenia.

Armed with a PC, a mouse and a reliable web-connection we spent endless hours on Sunday trawling through the best and the worst of Slovenias web based sales brochures before settling on the intriguing hotel Ribno.

It was a fun journey and a beautiful insight into contemporary Slovene art, marketing and English language translation.

The following excerpt is a stunning example from Hotel Krona

“In Hotel Krona is more possibilities for organization meetings and something else, which we can describe with bussines lunch and sociable meetings. Boss Martin, who is very good cooker, with ourself wealthy cooking in restaurant greatful describe offer of hotel. Here you can also apply for getting by e-mail our news regarding our special offers and discount rates”

…please – sign me up!!

Checkout the effective use of background images to create a feeling of complete chaos on their website

Hotel Ribno – 2 minutes from lake Bled

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  1. So miraculous view!

  2. So miraculous view!

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