White Russian

The last time I drank a ‘White Russian’ my face swelled up and I turned into a human Mr
. Thankfully my trip to the real ‘White Russia’ (Belarus) hasn’t had the same effect 🙂

I arrived in Grodno on Thursday after a painfully early (5.40am) bus journey and then moved to Minsk on Saturday courtesy of an questionable taxi and some even more questionable driving. Still – I’m in one piece, really enjoying Minsk and have plenty of stories and photos to bore the casual bearder.com visitor with. However, all that will have to wait until I have more time and less things to see.

I’m taking an over-night train to Kiev (Ukraine) on Thursday and I’ll be there until early the next week.

Hope you are all well and don’t forget to email me since the almost complete lack of contact from anyone at home is doing my self esteem no good at all 😉

Paka (that’s bye to you)


Posted from: www.bearder.com




Viva Vilnius


  1. Anonymous

    When you get around to posting our happenings, don’t forget to tell us what the story is behind the face on the wall with the red nose!

  2. Anonymous

    When you get around to posting our happenings, don’t forget to tell us what the story is behind the face on the wall with the red nose!

  3. Edd, I vote you get bearder.com registered as a Blobby approved site. You might have to pink things up a bit but then there is a strange man on a wall with a red nose.

  4. Edd, I vote you get bearder.com registered as a Blobby approved site. You might have to pink things up a bit but then there is a strange man on a wall with a red nose.

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